get your chart

use the calculator below to begin your human design & gene keys journey!

birth location

having trouble finding your exact birth location?

choose a nearby town or city in the same time zone.

birth time

not sure on your exact birth time?

OPTION 1: tracking down your birth certificate. this could be by calling a parent, the hospital you were born at, possibly a city registry, or anywhere else you may have had to submit your birth certificate.

OPTION 2: start with noon (12:00 PM). you can also pull several charts and try a range of times (e.g., 12:00 AM, 6:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 6:00 PM). then compare the charts and see if there is any difference.

OPTION 3: use a pendulum to narrow down your birth time. (1) clear your energy, (2) program your pendulum’s yes’s and no’s, (3) ask yes and no questions to narrow down your birth time.